Dale Burdett IT'S A BABY TEDDY

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Dale Burdett It's A Baby Teddy cross stitch booklet. Over 64 delightful baby designs for bibs, booties, etc. 24 baby teddies. Birth Samplers, It's a Baby Boy, It's A Baby Girl, Stick horses Baby booties, Trains baby booties, Butterflies baby booties, Rosebuds baby booties, Star balloons baby booties, Chick pull toy baby booties, Beads and Hearts baby booties, Baby Bee Teddy, Baby Blue Elephant, Pastel Toy Train, Baby Teddy Falling, Baby Birdhouse bib, Catching Butterflies bib, Baby Teddy with balloons bib, Gingham Alphabet, Baby lion cub, Babies are Angels bib, Hug Me, Baby Alphabet and Animals, lion cub, giraffe, Elephant, Baby, Alphabet Ideas, Baby Sippie Cups, Lamb, Kitten, Puppy, Baby AFghan, Baby Teddy Bear Angel, My Blankie Afghan, and so much more, 54 pages. New and unused.